Peter Dutton's values are not Australian values


Peter Dutton and Malcolm Turnbull's rolling citizenship announcements are a transparently desperate attempt to win back votes from Pauline Hanson and appease the far right of the Liberal Party, Greens Immigration and Citizenship spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"We should be bringing people together, not dividing them through patronising citizenship tests and unnecessary waits for permanent residency and citizenship," Senator McKim said.

"The real problem here is that Peter Dutton's values are not mainstream Australian values. 

"Most Australians do not want children, men and women tortured on Manus Island and Nauru or see the Great Barrier Reef killed because of projects like the Adani coal mine."

"The additional waits for permanent residency and citizenship are also deeply unfair and create further uncertainty and angst for people who want to make Australia their home."