Plan to make Australia a science R&D superpower


Media Release

The Australian Greens have today announced plans to make Australia a global leader in science, research and innovation, with a $17.8 billion investment in the sector over the decade.

The Greens will foster a culture where innovation, invention and experimentation can flourish to help communities better respond to our collective wellbeing, economy and major climate crises, by putting Australia on a pathway to investing 4 per cent of GDP in science, research and innovation by 2030.

The Greens’ plan includes:

  • Boosting block grant funding for universities by $5.5 billion to elevate their roles as powerhouses of the research ecosystem and to help improve job security for scientists working in universities;
  • Investing an additional $1.3 billion in key research bodies such as the CSIRO, AustralianNuclear Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Centre, Cooperative Research Centres;
  • Investing $1 billion a year for a research translation fund to turn groundbreaking ideas into world changing applications;
  • Investing $175 million a year in additional funding for the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy;
  • Setting up a new Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology to provide independent, objective scientific advice to members of Parliament;
  • Establishing an additional non-refundable tax offset of 20% for companies that hire STEM PhD students in their first three years of employment;
  • Providing $50 million per year to improve diversity in science and research and development by funding programs that support First Nations peoples, women and LGBTIQA+ people in science;
  •  Investing $50 million per year for a Secure Work for Researchers fund, to help universities and research institutes transition their workers to secure employment;
  • Investing $70 million per year in additional funding for the Australian Research Council’s Future Fellowships scheme to support mid-career researchers; and
  • Providing $41 million per year in additional funding for existing teacher training in STEM education.

Quotes attributable to Yamatji-Noongar woman and Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia Dorinda Cox:

“At a time of climate crisis, we can turn this country into a science and innovation superpower. In the energy sector alone, we have a huge opportunity to turn this moment into a renewable energy revolution that could create hundreds of thousands of jobs exporting Australia’s sun and wind to power our region with clean, green energy.

We need a strong research sector to help move away from the polluting industries of the past, and deliver the jobs of the future to make us a global leader in new and emerging research.

Over the past decade we have seen funding for science, research and development constantly fall below the OECD average thanks to the Morrison Government. No surprises there, given that they have clearly refused to accept climate science, and, backed by their big gas and coal donors, are instead pouring fuel onto the fire.

By investing in science, research and innovation, we can build a safer future for all of us - a future that helps to mitigate against the very real and enormous consequences we will face, from the climate crisis.

Very soon, at the next election, West Australians will be asked to make a choice about what type of future we want to see for our children, and our community.

“At the next election Labor is very unlikely to win majority government in its own right. With the Greens in balance of power, we can kick the Liberals out and make Labor go further and faster on the climate crisis. By making the right investments now in science, research and innovation, we can push the incoming government to future-proof our climate for future generations to enjoy,” Senator Cox added.

Learn more

Greens Plan: Investing in the knowledge economy