PM must boot Nats from water portfolio


The Prime Minister must take the water portfolio out of the hands of the climate-denying National Party, the Greens say, after a Productivity Commission report released today calls on governments to recognise the impact of the climate crisis on water security. 

Greens Water Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“We’ve now got economists saying what scientists have been warning for years. The Federal Government needs to start preparing a water security plan that takes climate change seriously. 

“The PM needs to start by getting the National Party out of the water portfolio. 

“Australia’s water security will never be managed properly while the climate change deniers in the National Party hold the country’s water portfolio and are in charge of Australia’s water policy.

“The Nationals and Barnaby Joyce do not accept the science of climate change let alone the economics. They’re putting drinking water in our cities and our regional towns at risk, killing our river systems and putting the interests of miners ahead of small family farmers. 

“Even the Productivity Commission can see miners are getting special treatment over farmers which is putting everyone’s water supply at risk.

“The PM cannot allow this PC report to be ignored. How many warnings does he need before he acts to protect all Australians not just the National Party’s mates.”