Prime Minister’s sincerity will be judged on actions


Responding to today’s press conference by the Prime Minister on women’s safety and the culture of parliament house, Greens leader in the Senate Larissa Waters said:

“The PM claims he’s now listening to women, but actions speak louder than words. Just last week he refused to listen to the thousands of women at the March 4 Justice, and his outrage at masturbation on furniture has seemed more palpable than his outrage at alleged rapes. 
“The Prime Minister expressed what a tough few weeks he’d had, to which the women of Australia say: welcome to our world.
“Australian women don’t want words from the PM, we want action.
“The Prime Minister must show leadership in changing the toxic culture of parliament and the patriarchy that imbues our society.
“He should immediately fully fund all frontline domestic violence and sexual assault services, legislate all of the Respect@Work recommendations, legislate to end the gender pay gap, strengthen sexual harassment laws, make early childhood education free and build enough social housing.

“And in his own ranks he must stand down Minister Porter and initiate an independent inquiry, and appoint a Cabinet that is half women and introduce quotas in his party.”