Private Schools Continue to be Showered in Cash Under Liberals and Labor


Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Spokesperson for Education, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has said that Catholic and private schools will continue to be showered in taxpayer dollars under both the Liberals and Labor Parties. Analysis released today shows Catholic schools will receive a $4.1 billion bonus from recent changes made by the Liberal-National Government, supported by the Labor opposition.

Senator Faruqi said:

“Public school pupils went back to school this week to schools that are underfunded, with aging classrooms and infrastructure. We know that ninety-three per cent of teachers dip into their own pocket to buy supplies for their students and their school. This is completely unacceptable.

“Both the Labor and Liberal parties live in this fantasy world where they claim that excessive funding for private schools isn’t detrimental to public schools. This is simply not true. Billions going to already overfunded private schools is billions not going to the public sector.

“We must also reverse the special deals that the Liberals struck with private schools,which Labor sadly doesn't have the guts to cancel. It's simple: with public money, the 2.5 million children in public schools have to come first.

“Only the Greens have a plan to fully fund our public schools and provide the capital funds they need to upgrade and expand their infrastructure” she concluded.  

Our plan to fully fund public schools is available here: