Publicly owned mRNA vaccine manufacturer needed


The Greens have called for the government to establish a publicly-owned mRNA vaccine manufacturer in Australia, so that Australia can be guaranteed it will receive enough of the mRNA vaccines that are proving to be more effective and more adaptable as the virus mutates. 

Adam Bandt MP has commended scientists and health experts who have joined the Greens call for Australia to build its own domestic mRNA vaccine manufacturing capacity.

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP said:

“mRNA vaccines could be our best defence against the ever-mutating coronavirus, and we should be making them right here in Australia, for the public good, and using them to keep us and our region safe,” Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP said.

“Australia can’t be reliant on big drug companies, hoping we get a good spot in their queue.

“We need a publicly-owned manufacturer to ensure we have enough doses here, including of mRNA vaccines.

“A publicly-owned vaccine manufacturer will put public health first and ensure we can look after ourselves and our region.  

“The Prime Minister’s latest Pfizer announcement is a concession that the mRNA vaccines are more effective and more adaptable, but we don’t have the capacity to make them here.

Greens spokesperson on Health Senator Rachel Siewert said: 

“Vaccines that use mRNA technology are easier to adapt to new strains of Covid-19 and Australia should be at the forefront of this revolutionary technology.

“With this domestic manufacturing capacity, we won’t just be able to make sure that all Australians are inoculated against new pandemics as they come, but we’ll be able to function as a vaccine production hub for the region.

“The virus doesn’t acknowledge borders. We’re not safe from coronavirus unless all of our neighbours are safe - and Australia can and must play a vital role in building vaccine capacity for our neighbours in the Pacific.”