Racism in Australia not going away: Scanlon report


Australian Greens Anti-Racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion report for 2020 contains alarming findings with respect to racism felt towards and experienced by culturally diverse Australians.

The report points to “substantial negative sentiment towards national groups from Africa, Asia and the Middle East”, among other findings. The Greens say the government should read the report with utmost seriousness and invest in anti-racism programs and initiatives.

Senator Faruqi said:

“This report should be a wake-up call for everyone denying that people of colour in Australia continue to face racism.

“The Morrison government is not only denying and deflecting the racism people face every day in this country. They’re actively fomenting it.

“Consistently strong anti-Muslim attitudes are very disturbing in the aftermath of the Christchurch terrorist attack which was driven by anti-Muslim hatred, committed by an Australian, and directly targeted Muslims.

“About 40 per cent of Asia-born respondents reported experiencing discrimination, with racism often experienced when shopping, on public transport, or at work.

“While a healthy level of general support for multiculturalism and our immigration program is welcome, we must tackle these real challenges we face. There are many in our community who are at the receiving end of some really toxic attitudes and behaviours,” she said.