Reintroduce carbon price, lift 2030 targets to protect exporters from EU tariffs


With the European Union finally laying out their timetable for implementing carbon tariffs, the Greens have said that the Liberals’ repeal of the carbon price has put Australian exporters at risk, calling for the reintroduction of a carbon price and the lifting of 2030 emissions targets to protect exporters.

Under the EU’s plan, from 2026, exporters of high carbon goods like steel, aluminium and fertiliser will need to pay for their pollution in order to sell into the European Union. Other countries that use Australian inputs may also be subject to tariffs.

Lines attributable to Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP:
“By repealing the Greens/Labor/independent carbon price, the Liberals have put our exporters at risk of tariffs.

“To support our exporters, we should reintroduce a price on pollution and lift our 2030 emissions targets. Otherwise our exporters will get hit.

“It won't end here. Both the United States and Japan are already looking at introducing similar tariff measures as to the European Union. The clean energy transition, while still too slow, is gaining pace around the world. 

“Australia could be a renewable energy superpower, delivering zero carbon energy and materials to the rest of the world, creating a new generation of industries and jobs as we replace coal and gas and address the climate emergency. 

“Australia should at least match the US, EU and UK’s 2030 emissions targets, otherwise our industries will suffer.

"For years, the Liberals have tried to hold back the tide - but the reality of the world moving on carbon pollution is about to come crashing down. The Liberals may be committed to going down with the ship, but we can't let them take our export industries with them."