Religious Discrimination Bill


The Greens urge the Government to use the parliamentary break to amend the serious problems in the proposed religious discrimination laws.

"This is a chance for the Prime Minister to fix the obvious flaws in the Bill which allow for harmful discrimination," Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim said.

"But it's no secret that some church groups want to be allowed to discriminate even more than they were already being offered."

"As drafted, the Bill undermined state and Commonwealth discrimination protections for women, people with disability, senior Australians and LGBTIQ+ people. 

"We will be watching this very closely because the danger here is that the bill will come back worse than it already was." 

Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson Janet Rice said:

"I'm relieved the Bill won't be introduced to Parliament this coming week. The current draft is a Trojan horse for hate, designed to make discriminating against LGBTIQ+ people legal."

"The Greens support legislation that protects the rights of people to hold and practice their religious beliefs, but this must not come at the expense of LGBTIQ+ people and other minorities."