Rising unemployment rate underlines need to keep full rate of Coronavirus supplement and commit to long term increase in Jobseeker


October unemployment figures clearly show that it is untenable to return Jobseeker back to $40 a day in March and that the further cut to the coronavirus supplement in December will drop more people below the poverty line. 
It’s just excuse after excuse with this Government when it comes to the Jobseeker payment, Greens spokesperson on Family and Community and Services, Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
Jobseeker was too low before this pandemic, so the “wait to see the economic conditions” excuse doesn't stand up. 
It is cruel to keep people in limbo on what their fates will be after March.
Keeping Jobseeker above the poverty line is essential for people looking for work, for our communities and our economy. 
It is very clear that if the Jobkeeper program ends there will be another jump in unemployment and these figures mask the people who have dropped out of the job market all together.
What the Government is doing to people on income support is cruel and dehumanising

Media Contact

Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180