Royal Commission Confidentiality & Whistleblower Protections Pass the Senate


The Greens and the disability community have achieved another huge win!

After years of raising the alarm that the confidentiality provisions in the Disability Royal Commission are insufficient, the disability community, alongside Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, have locked in amendments that will allow those with confidential information to come forward to the Disability Royal Commission with trust.

The Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of disabled people was established in 2019. The changes that passed the Senate today, will ensure that information provided to the Commission in confidence, will remain confidential after the Royal Commission ends, and there are stronger protections for those who expose the failings of organisations such as a government department, corporations, or institutions. 

Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, Disability Rights & Services Spokesperson said: 

“Together, The Greens and the Disability Community have again demonstrated our power, and have succeeded in getting outcomes that will improve the lives of disabled people.

“The changes that passed the Senate, will give disabled people security that the information they give to the Disability Royal Commission will remain confidential over time. These changes also enact stronger protections for folks who bravely come forward to blow the whistle, exposing the failings of organisations such as government departments, corporations, or institutions.  

“The Greens are encouraging everyone to share their experience of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation with the Commission. They need to hear from all of us to get a total picture of violence, abuse and neglect that is occurring in all settings all across the country.

“At the next election, with a small change in the vote, The Greens can be in balance of power. The Greens, alongside the community, have already achieved so much for the disability community, and in the balance of power we will prioritise ensuring all disabled people are able to access the NDIS quickly, where ever they are across the country, and we will be in a position to ensure the recommendations that will be made by the Royal Commission are implemented thoroughly and quickly.”

Media Contact: Sophie Greer 0448 316 387