Ruddock review recommendations disastrous for LGBTIQ+ Australians: Greens


The Ruddock review recommendations to allow religious schools to expel LGBTIQ+ students and fire LGBTIQ+ teachers would be disastrous, say the Greens.

“Last year in the marriage equality postal survey Australians voted for equality for LGBTIQ+ Australians, not for more discrimination,” Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said.

“The Ruddock review recommendations to change our laws to allow religious schools to expel students on the basis of who they are or who they love at a time when they are already vulnerable is unacceptable.”

“The Greens support the right of people to practice religion, but that should not come at the expense of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people.”

“Our laws should protect LGBTIQ+ people from discrimination, not enshrine the right to discriminate against them.”

“Scott Morrison’s recent anti-LGBTIQ+ comments have ignited fear in our community that the government is planning to wind back the laws which protect LGBTIQ+ people from discrimination.”

“Scott Morrison must immediately release the review for the public and commit to ensuring LGBTIQ+ people will not face further discrimination.”

Senator Nick McKim, Australian Greens Justice spokesperson:

“Mr Ruddock has recommended overriding state and territory anti-discrimination laws to allow religious schools to discriminate against gay, lesbian and transgender students.”

“This is bad enough, but it is clear that Prime Minister Morrison intends to go much further than the recommendations in Mr Ruddock’s report.”

“Australians should brace themselves for a toxic debate and a full frontal assault on the protections enshrined in state and territory anti-discrimination laws.”

“The Greens will fight this all the way.”