Sanjeev Gupta shows up Coalition Government on energy leadership


GFG’s announcement to transform Whyalla into a renewable energy super power shows the Coalition Government’s lack of leadership is letting Australians down. 

“This is the leadership Australia needs to transition to a new, clean economy,” Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said. 

“Sanjeev Gupta’s announcement shows environmental responsibility for a typically dirty industry. This record-investment in renewable energy, sustainable horticulture and recycling thrusts Whyalla into the future and proves the Government wrong on renewables. 

“This news is excellent for Whyalla and cements our state as a renewable energy leader. Our renewable energy industry is leading the way and showing the rest of the nation what ambition and good ideas look like. 

“Australia is limping far behind on reaching our Paris targets because of this Government’s addiction to fossil fuels.  Reports today that show the largest investor group in history calling on action on climate change as Mr Gupta announces a historic investment in renewable energy and cleaner industry, shows that  the Liberal party has completely lost touch with corporate Australia. 

“The Greens know that with a bit of ambition, like we’ve seen in Whyalla, Australia could be a leader, not a laggard, when it comes to cleaning up our act and saving the planet. The Coalition Government is simply not up to the task.”