Save the Koala laws debated in Senate


The Senate has today debated new laws introduced by the Australian Greens to save our koalas.

Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said she will now move for a Senate Inquiry into the bill.

“The laws debated in the Senate today would stop land clearing of critical habitat and help save our koalas,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“This legislative move is absolutely vital to protecting our national treasure from extinction.

“If passed, these laws would prevent the Federal Environment Minister from approving new mines or developments in koala habitat.

“The Environment Minister is not just failing to save koalas, but she continuously signs their death warrant.

“Unless habitat clearing is stopped, koalas will soon be extinct.

“It’s clear our existing environmental laws will not save the koala.

“Our wildlife has suffered enough. Off the back of the worst bushfires in history no approvals for developments or logging on koala land should be given.

“I will be moving for a senate inquiry into this bill, to fully examine the urgency of action to save our koala and all of our precious wildlife.

The Morrison Government cannot be trusted to protect koalas and our environment so the Parliament must.”