Schools that Discriminate Don’t Deserve A Cent of Public Money


Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that the Ruddock Review into Religious Freedom’s recommendation to expand and entrench the right to discriminate against LGBTIQ+ students and teachers is absolutely outrageous.

Senator Faruqi said: “Schools that discriminate against LGBTIQ+students and teachers don’t deserve a cent of public money.

“It is absolutely outrageous that we should change the law to allow religious schools across the country the right to discriminate against LGBTIQ+ children and teachers. We should be removing exemptions for religious schools from anti-discrimination laws, not expanding them.

“No school should have any right to discriminate against anyone, including the LGBTIQ+ community, let alone with public money.

“All schools should be places of learning, safety and acceptance. No student or teacher should be made to feel lesser because of religious bigotry,” she concluded.