Scott Morrison must listen to the UK, and boost 2030 targets in Glasgow


Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has called on the Prime Minister to take heed of the UK Cabinet’s demands of Australia, calling him a ‘coward’ for trying to avoid the upcoming climate summit.

Today, COP26 President and UK Cabinet Minister Alok Sharma has reportedly called upon the Prime Minister to attend the Glasgow Summit, and to bring updated 2030 targets of 45-50% with him.

While below the targets necessary to keep the world below 1.5C of warming, this would represent a near doubling of Australia’s current mid-term targets. The independent Climate Targets Panel says Australia must adopt a target of 74% by 2030 to meet our international obligations. 

The Greens have set a 2030 target of 75%. The Labor Party has no 2030 targets.

Mr Bandt says the Prime Minister shouldn’t have to be called to attend the summit and his refusal to attend of his own volition is further harming our relationship with Europe and the rest of the world.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP:

“Scott Morrison is refusing to go to Glasgow because he is a coward,” Mr Bandt said.

“Scott Morrison knows he’ll be laughed out of the room. The event’s hosts are already making the price of admission clear: come to the party with significantly more ambitious 2030 targets, or not at all.

“Delay is the new denial, and distant 2050 targets just don’t cut it any more. The Liberals’ terrible 2030 targets will fry us and Labor has no 2030 targets at all.

“Scott Morrison is hoping that setting a meaningless and distant 2050 target will distract from his absence, all while his government tries to open up new gas-fired power plants at home. 

“Refusing to show up won’t resolve the Prime Minister’s growing isolation on the world stage. With our relationship with Europe already strained, it’s incumbent on him to show that he’s willing to work with our international partners to make Australia a leader on climate action.

“COP26 President Alok Sharma has clearly said that ‘net zero by 2050’ is not enough. 

“This year’s IPCC report demonstrated that if we want to stop our planet from going over the climate cliff, bold action by 2030 is crucial. The independent Climate Targets Panel says for Australia to do its bit, we need 74% emissions reduction by the end of the decade.

“Bold action by 2030. No more coal and gas. That’s what we need. Nothing less.”