Senate backs call for local content rules for online streaming services


The Senate has today backed a Greens motion calling on the Government to implement Australian content quotas for online video streaming subscription services.  

Greens Spokesperson for the Arts, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Today, the senate stood up for Aussie screen and Aussie kids by calling on the Government to implement Australian content quotas for big streaming services.

“Without proper local regulation, there will be less quality Australian stories on our screens and fewer local jobs. Our screen industry deserves better than an uphill battle to secure work, and our kids deserve better than screens clogged with trashy, cheap shows from America.

“The Senate has acknowledged that the sharing of original Australian stories on our screens is an important way that we, as a nation, reflect a sense of community, identity and belonging in Australia.

“It is now up to the Government to implement local content quotas for online video streaming subscription services. The rate of investment obligation they place on these services should be informed by international best practice, including countries like France and Canada that have already supported their local production sectors through content quotas.

“Big streaming giants like Netflix, Disney and Amazon are flooding the domestic production market. It’s high time they contributed to Australia’s local screen industry, jobs and the telling of local stories.

“Having Australian stories on our screens is essential in shaping our national identity and reflecting and celebrating the diversity of our community. We need more Aussie content on our screens, not less – and that is why the Senate has called on the Government to implement content quotas for streaming services.”