Senate calls on Govt to require streaming giants to fund Australian-made stories


The Senate has today called on the Morrison Government to require tech giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Stan to back and fund Australian-made stories.

Greens Spokesperson for Arts and Communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young who moved the motion that was supported by the Senate, said:

”If the streaming giants want to continue to participate in the Australian market and stream into Australian lounge rooms they should support, promote and fund Australian-made stories, films and shows.

“The Senate has today agreed with the two-thirds of Australians who support laws requiring streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Apple to show and fund locally made shows and films.

“It’s time the Government got on with regulating the bigwigs of streaming. It's a no brainer.

“There is no need for more reviews. The arts and entertainment industry is on its knees because of Coronavirus lock downs. 

“Letting broadcasters out of local content requirements and failing to immediately regulate streaming services has put the jobs of every person who works on Australian drama, documentaries and children’s TV shows from actors, to writers, to crews at risk.

”The Government can help create jobs and generate investment in the domestic market by backing requirements on the giant tech companies and SVODs. 

“The government needs to listen to the will of the Senate and the majority of Australians and implement local content laws now to help stimulate the industry after the havoc wreaked on arts and entertainment by Covid-19.”

The motion standing in the name of Senator Hanson-Young reads:

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that the Senate:

  1. Notes:
    1. Streaming Video On Demand services have no Australian content obligations requiring them to produce or show Australian-made TV shows, documentaries or films, despite having an increasing market share.
    2. Research shows two thirds of Australians support laws requiring streaming services to show and fund locally made shows and films.
    3. Australian stories are vital for our culture and social fabric and the sustainability of our arts and entertainment industry. 
  2. Calls on the government to require tech giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Stan to back and fund Australian-made stories.