Senate Sends Strong Message To Gov On Unis Bill


Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Senate has fired a warning shot at the Morrison Government, voting 24-24 for a Greens motion to establish an inquiry into the Job-ready Graduates Package legislation.

Though the motion was defeated, it was supported by Labor, the Greens, and Senators Lambie, Griff and Patrick.

Senator Faruqi said:

“The Senate has sent a strong message to the Morrison Government today. This hugely significant legislation must go to a Senate inquiry.

“The government can’t just ram through whatever it wants, whenever it wants. The Senate has established processes to scrutinise bills. This is part and parcel of our democracy.

“Less than a week has passed since the final legislation was made public by the government. This is a once-in-a-generation change to university fees and funding. To try to push it through without an inquiry would be autocratic and shameful,” she said.