Shadow Minister puts Labor in lockstep with Liberals on climate


Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says statements today from Labor’s Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources, Joel Fitzgibbon, put the Labor party in lockstep with the Liberals on climate action, as he called on the Opposition to instead join the Greens in demanding stronger 2030 targets from the government.

“If we don't take stronger climate action by 2030 we're screwed, so when a shadow minister lines Labor up with the Liberals on climate, it is a recipe for the coal-fuelled collapse of civilisation,” Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, said.

“This is not some disgruntled backbencher. Joel Fitzgibbon is the prospective Minister for Resources and when he channels Tony Abbott, he is also clearly advocating Labor's position."

“It’s not good enough to play the ‘small target’ political game when it comes to the climate emergency. Australia needs leadership that recognises the size of the challenge and the size of the opportunity.

"Labor should join the Greens in putting pressure on the Morrison government for tougher 2030 targets, but instead they're letting the Liberals off the hook.

“According to the latest update, anything less than a target of 49% emissions cut on 2005 levels by 2030 is giving up on the Paris '2 degree' goal. As the shadow minister responsible for coal, Joel Fitzgibbon is signalling Labor is giving up on the Paris Agreement,” Bandt said.

Report: Updating 2030 Targets