Shift in support for changing the date cannot be ignored: Greens


Polling in Fairfax media today that reveals more Australians have gotten onboard with changing the date of Australia Day in the last year shows that the mood is changing and Government must listen, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today. 

“In the last year alone support for changing the date amongst voters has shifted from one in six to one in five, that shows significant movement out in the community. 

“Most interestingly, when survey respondents were presented with the rationale for changing the date, support increased. This is the Australia I know, where members of the community get on board with changing the date once they understand why it matters.

“This is the experience I’ve had on the ground when talking to the community about the issue.

“Once it is explained as a painful day of mourning for our First Peoples, fair-minded people ask ‘well why not just move it then?’, to stubbornly refuse simply for the sake of ‘tradition’ shows a lack of empathy of kindness that many can’t relate to.

“The Australian Greens will continue to campaign hard on changing the date of Australia Day so that everyone is welcome to celebrate this wonderful country on a day that is not hurtful for some”.