Spoiler alert: Evidence-based respectful relationships education works


The Australian Greens have welcomed today’s release of the positive evaluation of Our Watch’s primary school education program, Respectful Relationships Education to Prevent Gender-Based Violence, and called on the government to fund a national roll out.
Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for women, Senator Larissa Waters said: 
“Spoiler alert, evidence-based respectful relationships education works - not milkshake metaphors.
"Our Watch’s pilot programs in Queensland and Victoria, delivering age appropriate, whole-of-school and evidence-based respectful relationships, have been evaluated as successful.
"To address the crisis of violence against women and girls, the federal government should fund a national rollout of Our Watch’s program. All students, no matter which school they attend should get the benefit of learning about respect, gender equality and not letting their career aspirations be limited by their gender. 

"Wasting millions of public dollars on an ineffective and confusing milkshake video was shameful, when that money should be spent on programs with proven outcomes. 
"The Respect@Work report recommendations, accepted by this government, called for investment in expert-designed, whole-of-school respectful relationships programs to help end the cycle of violence by addressing what lies behind it – gender stereotypes and gender inequality.
"The PM now needs follow through in next week’s budget and include $190 million to support a national roll out of Our Watch’s effective respectful relationships training program.”
Greens spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, said:

“The government has a bad track record on respectful relationships education, but funding a national rollout of Our Watch’s program would be a big step in the right direction.
“Urgent investment is required in whole-of-school programs that tackle the issues clearly and are known to work.
“School education is as much about ensuring young people become respectful members of the community as it is about learning the ‘hard’ skills and knowledge required for the modern world.”