Statement from the Australian Greens on Israel/Palestine


The Australian Greens are horrified by the ongoing escalation in violence in Israel and Palestine, which has resulted in more than 109 Palestinians and 7 Israelis being killed. 

Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens foreign affairs spokesperson, said:

“This escalation in violence follows the threatened evictions of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah to make way for Israeli settlers, and the restrictions and violence against worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan. 

“Fundamentally, the latest outbreak in violence stems from the Israeli Government’s unlawful and unjust occupation of Palestine, which has subjected Palestinians to systematic discrimination and oppression.  

"The Greens oppose any violence, whether that be airstrikes or rockets, especially that which impacts innocent civilians. But we cannot ignore the asymmetry of power or that this cycle of violence will not end until the root causes of injustice are addressed.  It will not stop until the occupation ends - we must end the evictions, the illegal settlements, the demolitions and the oppression.  

"Staying silent is not an option. If the Australian Government is committed to a two-state solution, it must forcefully call on the Israeli Government to cease its occupation of Palestine.  Once again we urge the Morrison Government to recognise Palestine."