Statement - High Court citizenship decision


Australian Greens Leader, Dr Richard Di Natale, has commended former Senators Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam for their integrity following today’s High Court ruling on MPs citizenship.

“Larissa and Scott have acted honestly and with full accountability to the Australian people throughout this process.”

“When these issues first came to light, they did the honourable thing and resigned from the parliament. Larissa and Scott have shown respect for the constitution, for the parliament and most importantly, for the Australian people, and I respect them immensely for that.

“Larissa and Scott did not take the decision to resign lightly, but respected the constitution and the previous, strict rulings of the High Court. They have shown integrity which has been sorely lacking from Parliament in recent months.

“Senate recounts will now be undertaken to replace those Senators who have been found to be invalid by the High Court. I look forward to welcoming new Greens MPs to Canberra in the coming weeks.

“Since their resignations, both Scott and Larissa have been widely praised for their contributions to public and political life. I want to thank them both once again for being outstanding friends, colleagues and deputies.