Statement on Parliament sittings


I am pleased the Parliament will sit again. In a crisis we need more democracy, not less, and the Greens opposed the initial agreement between Liberal and Labor to cancel sitting weeks.

We have been consistently calling for the government to explore how Parliament could be held consistent with health restrictions, including virtually, so Parliament can ensure that no one is forgotten in the government's response to the health and economic crisis. For everyone else in the country, 2020 has been a year of workarounds and online meetings, and politicians shouldn’t be exempt.

I've been concerned that the Government has been slow in bringing about solutions for the House of Reps and Senate, with most other workplaces adapting months ago.

The Greens have a lot we want to do when Parliament resumes, like pushing our bill for paid coronavirus sick leave, so our team will discuss the new restrictions, see what provisions the Prime Minister makes for online attendance and ultimately make sure the Greens are well represented in one way or another.


NOTE: The Greens called for a 'virtual parliament', or online options for parliamentarians in lockdown in April.