States and territories should tell PM today they won't stand for weakening of environment laws


State and Territory leaders should tell the Prime Minister today they won’t stand for a further weakening of environmental laws to green light major developments and mines, and instead want strong environmental standards and a cop on the beat to enforce them, the Greens say.

Prime Minister Morrison will reportedly raise the Federal Government’s plan to devolve environmental approval powers to states and territory regulators, before a 10-year statutory review is complete.

Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Hanson-Young said:

“The states and territories need to send a clear message to the PM when National Cabinet meets today that they won’t stand for further weakening of environmental protections.

“Rushing through changes to environmental laws proposed by an anti-environment government, risks permanent damage to our environment.

“We need strong standards that actually protect our environment and save our koalas, forests and beaches from more destruction.

“The Federal Government has also rejected the recommendation of the independent reviewer for a strong, independent cop on the beat for monitoring, compliance and enforcement. There is no point having laws if there’s no police force to uphold them.

“The federal Labor Party needs to today take itself off this dangerous unity ticket with the Morrison Government for fast-tracking environmental approvals and the states and territories need to set the very high standard needed.

“Deregulation is code for cutting corners and extinction of koalas and no state premier or chief minister should stand for it, there’s simply too much at stake.”