States must resist Turnbull’s erosion of civil rights


State and territory governments should push back against Malcolm Turnbull’s latest attack on fundamental rights and liberties, Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim says.

“The massive expansion of police and detention powers being proposed by the Prime Minister is yet another erosion of Australians’ basic freedoms,” Senator McKim said.

“Detention without charge is completely unjustified and incompatible with the rule of law and basic freedoms.”

“The wider use of facial recognition software will affect every Australian's privacy.”

“Labor and the Liberals have colluded to erode freedom and the rule of law in Australia for fifteen years, and tomorrow they should resist the Prime Minister’s national security machismo.”

“For too long we’ve watched as governments have deliberately set out to scare people to make it easier to weaken their rights.”

“This latest expansion of state powers is one of the reasons why the Greens will move in the current term of Parliament to introduce, debate and vote on a Charter of Rights.”

“Our basic freedoms and liberties are too important to lose.”