Steele-John: Bill to lower the voting age referred to committee


Monday, 25th June 2018

Australian Greens Youth spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today he was looking forward to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters scrutinising his bill to lower the voting age to 16, saying it was an historic opportunity for this important democratic reform to pass with bipartisan support.

“This is a simple bill with very simple intentions. 16 and 17 year olds can work and pay tax, own and drive a car, sign a rental tenancy agreement, have sex, join a political party and join our defence forces, and in some cases be tried as an adult by our criminal justice system. They have a right to be able to vote,” Senator Steele-John said.

“If a committee inquiry is what it takes for Labor and the Crossbench to support this bill then the Australian Greens are very happy to support this motion. I am committed to working with Labor, the crossbench and indeed the government if they are willing to pass legislation to lower the voting age to 16 in Austrlaia.

“Labor leader Bill Shorten has previously pledged to lower the voting age, exactly what my bill is trying to do, and I look forward to taking part in a robust committee process to progress this important democratic reform.

"The Greens are committed to engaging young people in our democratic process, ensuring that their voices are heard and working with them to create a better future for all of us."

Media contact:
Tim Oliver – 0448 316 387