Taylor's gas and coal expansion exposes 2050 target fraud


Energy Minister, Angus Taylor, in a bid to help the Morrison government secure a net-zero 2050 target with the National Party has promised more gas and coal exports, exposing the Morrison target as a fraud that won’t reduce emissions in the critical decade, if ever.

Greens Leader, Adam Bandt called 2050 targets that involve an expansion of coal and gas ‘a fraud and a death sentence to regional Australia’. The Greens’ target, in line with the Paris goal of 1.5 degrees of warming, is a legislated  75% cut by 2030 and net-zero by 2035.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt:

“Angus Taylor has belled the cat. By boasting that coal and gas will continue to expand, he has exposed the 2050 net-zero target as a climate fraud. 

“Delay is the new denial, and by expanding coal and gas while backing a late 2050 target, Liberal and Labor are making global warming worse.

“Liberal and Labor cannot keep pretending that climate action doesn’t mean phasing out coal and gas. If there is no plan to get out of coal and gas, a 2050 target is just more greenwashing.

“To be consistent with the science, Australia needs a legislated 75% cut by 2030.The Liberals’ 2030 targets must be tripled to be consistent with the Paris goal of 1.5 degrees. The current Liberal target, set by Tony Abbott, is in line with over 3 degrees of global heating and Labor has no 2030 targets at all.


“Gas is as dirty as coal. There’s a future for Australia in green hydrogen, which is produced by  the sun and the wind, but not for hydrogen produced from gas and coal. No-one will want to buy it.

“Green hydrogen is the future but brown hydrogen is a white elephant.

“With experts like Bloomberg New Energy Finance finding that green hydrogen will beat blue hydrogen on cost by the end of the decade, it’s not only going to make the climate crisis worse but will leave us with stranded assets.

“Poll after poll shows the Australian public want real action on climate, including getting out of coal and gas. This election people can put the Greens in balance of power to kick out Barnaby Joyce and push the next government to go further and faster on the climate crisis.”