Time to invest in remote area firefighting


With climate change driving increased fire risk in Australia, the Commonwealth should investigate a national remote area firefighting capacity, Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.

"It's negligent of the Government not to even investigate a national remote area firefighting capacity despite a Senate Committee recommending it," Senator McKim said.

“This failure to respond to fire threats to Tasmania’s Wilderness World Heritage Area mirrors the Liberals’ apathy towards the risks facing the Great Barrier reef.”

"Last year's devastating fires in the Tasmanian wilderness were unfortunately a taste of things to come with Australia seeing an increase in extreme weather and fire ignition events like dry lightning strikes."

"NSW has experienced terrible fires this week, and it's only early spring. We need to start preparing for this to become the new normal."

"We owe it to our country’s firefighters to be as well prepared and resourced as we possibly can be."