Tony Abbott should be disendorsed for his promotion of climate change denialism


Greens spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has called bullshit on Tony Abbott’s continued climate change denialism saying that every time he opens his mouth he deliberately insults the world class efforts of Australia’s climate science community.

Senator Whish-Wilson said, “Almost half the Great Barrier Reef is dead from mass coral bleaching, summer after summer we have unprecedented heatwaves and bushfire risk, and yet Australia’s worst ever Prime Minister wants to further diminish this country by using his platform to promote climate change denialism.

“Australia has out-and-out the best climate scientists in the world and the widespread publication of Tony Abbott’s bullshit, without calling it bullshit, demeans the work of climate scientists and demeans us all.

“Everything Tony Abbott says on climate change should be labelled with an asterisk. He has no idea what he is talking about, doesn’t care about the consequences of his words and is doing everything through the looking glass of promoting himself and his dangerous, divisive agenda.

“If it wasn’t apparent at the time, it should be now: CSIRO senior management, hired by Tony Abbott, attempted to gut its climate science functions and this must be seen in the context of Tony Abbott’s promotion of climate change denialism.

“The efforts of climate scientists and meteorologists save thousands of lives every year with ever improving forecasting of extreme weather events. Attempting to bring this work into disrepute for base political motives risks lives.

“The Liberal Party, if it wants to stop giving Tony Abbott a platform for his wrecking, should move to disendorse him. If not, it is tacit acceptance of the promotion of climate change denialism,” he concluded.