Transphobic Liberals try another stunt to peddle hate


After tabling his transphobic and homophobic bill to Parliament last year, Senator Alex Antic has brought on a motion today to have his bill referred to committee.

But like everything Antic does, this is just a stunt to justify more hate speech in Parliament.

The Australian Greens LGBTIQA+ Spokesperson, Stephen Bates MP, condemns this bill and Antic’s shameful attempt to import American culture wars to Australia.

Quotes attributable to Stephen Bates MP, Australian Greens LGBTIQA+ Spokesperson

Antic is trying once again to ram through an inquiry for him and his far right buddies to spruik hate and misinformation — putting kids’ lives at risk.

These transphobes are desperate for media attention so they can pretend their fringe views have any relevance here. 

An inquiry is just another platform for stunts and another excuse to go on Sky News After Dark. 

The Senator has the implicit backing of the Liberal Party in introducing his bill and goes to show that you can never trust the Liberals with LGBTIQA+ rights.

We should not give this man and his crusade against trans kids any more oxygen. We should stop this bill and any more fake debate. 

Transphobia has no place in our Parliament. Trans rights are non-negotiable.