Turnbull fails to show leadership over Rohingya crisis


Malcolm Turnbull urgently needs to show stronger leadership over the humanitarian disaster in Myanmar, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"This is the biggest refugee crisis in our region for decades, and Australia is failing to step up," Senator McKim said.

"Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been displaced, and the UN has described what is happening as ethnic cleansing."

"There is a range of obvious steps that Mr Turnbull could be taking but he is stubbornly refusing to show leadership."

"We should accept a special intake of 20,000 Rohingya refugees, and further increase humanitarian aid.”

"Australia should immediately cease its ongoing cooperation with the Myanmar military, impose sanctions against senior military officials involved in these atrocities, and use its diplomatic relationship with the Israeli Government to urge it to stop providing the Myanmar military with weapons that are being used in ethnic cleansing."

"Mr Turnbull should also instruct his immigration Minister Peter Dutton to immediately cease the refoulement of his Rohingya prisoners on Manus Island back to Myanmar.”