UN joins growing calls for a Royal Commission into the abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee calling for a Royal Commission into the abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability.

Senator Rachel Siewert initiated and chaired the senate inquiry that recommended a Royal Commission, and said:

“The United Nations has joined the growing chorus for a Royal Commission into this issue that continues to happen around this country. 

“An institutional and residential setting for a person with disability must be a safe place. This is not the case for many.

“The evidence we heard in the Senate committee inquiry was often horrific, and it is rare that perpetrators are charged for abuse or violence because of systemic barriers that exist throughout the judicial system.

“The UN called for all of the Senate committee recommendations to be fully implemented. Those recommendations include ways to reduce barriers that occur through the judicial system.

“At the moment the Government is leaving people with disability and their families behind. It is urgent that the Government acts in a substantive and meaningful way. We need a Royal Commission”.