Uncle Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner demands apology from Santos for misleading use of his image


Ngarrindjeri/Kaurna Elder Uncle Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner has criticised Santos for using his image in promotional materials at their recent AGM in Adelaide. Uncle Moogy’s face was shown with the text “One Future” superimposed over it in the video shown at the beginning of the AGM.

Quotes attributable to Uncle Moogy Sumner:

“I have written to the CEO of Santos today to ask that my image be removed from their promotional materials immediately. I also ask that Santos apologise for their use of my image without my consent. I have never given permission to Santos to use my image.

“Santos have used images of Aboriginal people, including mine, in their promotional materials to give the impression that we consent to the destructive fossil fuels projects that they are carrying out on Aboriginal land.

“It is disrespectful that Santos used my image without ever seeking my consent. It is disrespectful that they continue to plan destructive coal, gas and fracking projects on Aboriginal land without the consent of Traditional Owners and Custodians. It is disrespectful that they refused to listen to or answer the questions of the Gomeroi people and Tiwi Islanders who came to the Santos AGM to express concerns about mining on their Country.

“I would like to make it clear that I stand with the Gomeroi people, Tiwi Islanders and all Aboriginal Traditional Owners and Custodians who are fighting to protect their country from Santos projects. Our future is not in destructive fossil fuel projects. The future we want is one where our Country is protected and our voices are heard. Traditional Owners and Custodians should have the right to say no to mining projects on their lands by companies like Santos.”

Quotes attributable to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Senator for South Australia:

“It is disgraceful that Santos, a corporation whose fossil fuel projects have caused significant destruction of Aboriginal land would use the image of a respected Elder like Uncle Moogy without his consent. In doing so, Santos was trying to imply that Uncle Moogy supports their projects.

“This is worse than the usual greenwashing we have become used to seeing from Santos. It is a blatant misrepresentation of the views and values of First Nations people. Santos must immediately apologise and remove the image of Uncle Moogy, and any other First Nations people whose image they have used without consent.

“The social license of these big gas and fossil fuel giants is diminishing by the day and no amount of greenwashing and grubby PR will save them."