Unemployed workers and people living in poverty want to see people supporting and campaigning for them


The Greens say that unemployed workers and people living in poverty have been very clear that they want to see their representatives in Parliament supporting and campaigning for them, doing everything they can to increase the rate of JobSeeker above the poverty line. 

“People living in poverty in this cruel punitive income support system feel isolated, they feel abandoned and want people to be vocal in their condemnation of this joke of an increase in the rate of Jobseeker”, Senator Rachel Siewert said. 

“When we work to improve this pathetic increase we offer a glimmer of hope that people are not forgotten, that they are seen and that their Members of Parliament do not accept that anyone in a country as wealthy as Australia should live in poverty.

“The Greens will continue to campaign for a meaningful increase in the Jobseeker payment to ensure no one in this country lives in poverty and that includes seeking the support of the Senate to amend the pathetic bill that increases the JobSeeker payment by just $3.57 a day. 

“Senators and MP’s across the political  spectrum should use their power and their voices to campaign for their communities. 

“The Greens support all unemployed workers and will not stop campaigning until we have an increase to JobSeeker that is over the poverty line.”

When this pathetic so-called increase gets to the Senate this week I will be seeking support to amend this bill to:


  1. Increase all income support payments to $1115 a fortnight which is in line with the Henderson Poverty Line. 
  2. Retain the current income free threshold of $300 a fortnight. 
  3. Abolish compulsory income management. 
  4. Abolish Mutual Obligations.
  5. Increase the base rate of age pension/DSP/Carer Payment to $1115 a fortnight.