Uni Bill Report Flawed And Highly Partisan


Australian Greens Education spokesperson Mehreen Faruqi has said a report of the government-dominated Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee into the Job-ready Graduates legislation is flawed and highly partisan.

The inquiry process was highly problematic, with a 22-day total inquiry period, only two days of hearings, and with no time allowed for discussion on Greens amendments to the report.

Senator Faruqi said:

“This is a flawed and highly partisan report. The Government have used their majority to ignore witnesses, rig the process and recommend this unfixable package be passed. The crossbench should see right through it.

“The report does not fairly convey the level of dissent to the bill heard by the committee. The report leans heavily on the approving comments of some stakeholders while failing to fairly include the more critical comments of others.

“The report fails to acknowledge that numerous key organisations did not support the bill, or only gave their support contingent on substantial amendments.

“Job-ready Graduates is terrible legislation. For no good reason, it will raise student fees and cut billions from Commonwealth contributions to teaching and learning.

“The Senate has the power to bin this bill. I call on all crossbenchers to fully consider the awful impacts of this austerity package for students, staff and universities.

“If passed, the legislation will damage higher education in Australia, possibly irreparably.”

Full Australian Greens Dissenting Report: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Educatio...