Unions, welfare groups & Greens all back jobs over tax cuts


Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, has commended peak worker and social services groups for coming out hard against the proposed acceleration of tax cuts for millionaires, saying the money would be far better spent on job creation.

"The Greens oppose the fast-tracking of tax cuts for millionaires, and with the ACTU and ACOSS now also coming out against the idea, Liberal and Labor are increasingly isolated in backing this trickle-down fantasy," Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, said.

"It's clear that only two groups continue to back the reckless pursuit of tax cuts for millionaires: the obscenely wealthy and the major parties.

"We're in the middle of a recession and now is the last time to be talking about accelerating tax cuts for millionaires.

"Tax cuts don't create jobs. Instead of spending $28b on fast-tracking tax cuts, that money should be invested in job-creating projects, like building more public housing.

"The Greens are calling on Labor to join us in blocking the government's Thatcherite austerity economics. 

"Giving millionaires a tax cut is just plain offensive when so many are out of work and trying to keep a roof over their heads."