Urgent action needed to save the Tasmanian devil


Over 30 Tasmanian devils have been killed on Woolnorth Road in the state’s North West in the past two months, prompting the Greens to call for urgent federal government funding to tackle the issue. 
Tasmanian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said reports of decimated Tasmanian devils along Woolnorth Road are increasing.
“Ten Tasmanian devils have recently been killed along Woolnorth Road in just five days. If this alarming information about one of our most iconic threatened species doesn’t qualify for urgent government intervention, then what does? 
“Woolnorth is considered one of the last strongholds of healthy Tasmanian devil populations in the state after the Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) reduced populations by up to 90% in some areas.
“If left unchecked this fatality rate would be disastrous for the Tasmanian devil population that is free from DFTD. 
“Road-kill mitigation measures including lower speed limits, signage and fencing must be implemented. More importantly the federal government must commit to funding Tasmanian devil research in the area.
“In 2017 the federal government cut all funding for the Save The Tasmanian Devil Program. Clearly funding should be reinstated so we can understand how best to protect this species, not just from DFTD, but also from suffering such horrific deaths on our roads. 
“The DFTD highlighted the Tasmanian devil’s importance to Tasmania’s ecological and cultural landscape. 
“The Greens refuse to sit by while one of Tasmania’s last remaining strongholds of healthy Tasmanian devil populations is savaged under the watch of the federal government.”