We will keep up the pressure; disability community responds to Independent Assessments Win


Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John said that the outcome of today’s meeting of State and Territory Disability Ministers demonstrates the power of the disability community to join together to stop the Liberals attempts to undermine our NDIS. 

“This week has been huge, as a community we’ve shown how powerful we are - thousands of members of our disability community have contacted their local Disability Minister with a clear message - the community says no to Independent Assessments and the Liberal’s proposed changes to undermine our NDIS.”

“Linda Reynolds was intending to get full support from State and Territory Disability  Ministers for her plan to implement Independent Assessments and today that did not happen. That’s because of the thousands of disabled people who mobilised, and made our opposition known. 

“I expect the Liberals’ will continue with their plan to undermine our NDIS and the future of the NDIS will come down to a decision of the Senate. We will now keep up the pressure on the cross-bench, particularly Jacquie Lambie, Rex Patrick, and Rebekha Sharkie.

They must listen to the united calls from the disability community they represent and say no to any legislation that comes through to the Senate that  tries to undermine our NDIS.” 

Media contacts:

STEELE-JOHN - Sophie Greer; 0448 316 387