A win for Port Augusta and for renewable energy


The Australian Greens congratulate Repower Port Augusta for its relentless campaigning to transition from coal-fired power to solar thermal.

"This is a win for South Australia and a community that has fought extremely hard to step out of the shadow of dirty coal and into a sunny, renewable energy future," Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Port Augusta will be leading the charge in the transition from dirty fossil fuels into renewable energy with what will be the biggest solar thermal plant in the world. As exciting as the announcement is, it will also provide much-needed jobs and relief for a community that has being doing it tough.

"The Greens have stood in lock-step with the Port Augusta community in campaigning for a solar thermal plant since day one. It was a bold vision that took guts from hard-working people desperate for a cleaner future. Together with the community, we knew Port Augusta could be a global leader in renewable energy technology and after five years, that time has finally come.

"While Malcolm Turnbull and his Energy Minister keep dreaming up new ways of making coal viable, South Australia has blitzed ahead to change energy generation in Australia for the better."