Won’t someone please think of the children - Kids must be in vax targets now 


The Greens say that Mr Morrison’s failure to include children in the national vaccination targets will cost too many lives. 
“Mr Morrison has finally succumbed to public pressure and is now saying National Cabinet will talk about how to vaccinate children and teenagers (12-15 years old) tomorrow, but we urgently need to have targets for children”, Greens spokesperson on Health Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
“It is sickening that children are not being included in the targets and will therefore very likely become sick in the race to open up and lift restrictions. 
“National cabinet must stand up to the PM’s incompetence and put the pressure on to include children and teenagers in the national targets. 
“The ACT has already said they will include children in their targets and the Greens wrote to the National cabinet requesting that State and Territories do so. 
“It is not good enough to say we will ‘try’ and vaccinate kids. We need specific targets, including a timeline. 
“The Government has already failed to adequately vaccinate aged care residents and workers, disabled people and First Nations peoples because they failed to commit to and achieve specific targets and ensure adequate supply.
“Parents and families will not support the lifting of restrictions if their children aren’t protected. 

“Scotland’s new record covid cases is partly being driven by staff and students returning to school. 
“As things currently stand, the exclusion of under 16s from national vaccine targets means that the Prime Minister’s target of 80% actually equals 65% of the entire population - leaving our kids and vulnerable populations exposed to covid.”

The Greens say that Mr Morrison’s failure to include children in the national vaccination targets will cost too many lives. 
“Mr Morrison has finally succumbed to public pressure and is now saying National Cabinet will talk about how to vaccinate children and teenagers (12-15 years old) tomorrow, but we urgently need to have targets for children”, Greens spokesperson on Health Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
“It is sickening that children are not being included in the targets and will therefore very likely become sick in the race to open up and lift restrictions. 
“National cabinet must stand up to the PM’s incompetence and put the pressure on to include children and teenagers in the national targets. 
“The ACT has already said they will include children in their targets and the Greens wrote to the National cabinet requesting that State and Territories do so. 
“It is not good enough to say we will ‘try’ and vaccinate kids. We need specific targets, including a timeline. 
“The Government has already failed to adequately vaccinate aged care residents and workers, disabled people and First Nations peoples because they failed to commit to and achieve specific targets and ensure adequate supply.
“Parents and families will not support the lifting of restrictions if their children aren’t protected. 

“Scotland’s new record covid cases is partly being driven by staff and students returning to school. 
“As things currently stand, the exclusion of under 16s from national vaccine targets means that the Prime Minister’s target of 80% actually equals 65% of the entire population - leaving our kids and vulnerable populations exposed to covid.”