Xenophon, don’t wheel and deal on welfare reform: Greens


The Australian Greens are calling on the Nick Xenophon Team to resist negotiations and oppose the welfare reform bill as a whole in the Senate. 

“I’m glad Rebekha Sharkie has called a spade a spade when it comes to this bill, saying the drug testing was ‘devoid of logic’ and other measures in the bill would leave vulnerable kids without food on the table”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today. 

“The evidence is overwhelming you can’t fix the drug testing measures. Drug testing of income support recipients is poor policy grounded in ideology and has been overwhelmingly condemned by drug and alcohol experts, doctors and social service providers. 

“The rest of the bill hurts people with disability, bereaved pregnant women, and older unemployed Australians amongst others. 

“The further eroding of the social safety net, making it increasingly less accessible and more paternalistic whilst reducing payments has been lambasted by the Australian Greens, ALP and crossbench in the Lower House. I urge the crossbench to continue this opposition in the Senate”.