Youth Job Guarantee needed


Responding to today’s devastating job figures that see youth unemployment at a 23 year high, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, called on the government to implement a youth Jobs Guarantee and an investment plan, saying young people are giving up and losing hope.

“Young people are dropping out, giving up and losing hope,” said Mr Bandt.

“We are on the verge of creating a lost generation and Scott Morrison has no plan to fix it.

“The government must tackle the multiple crises we’re facing by investing in nation-building, planet-saving projects and guaranteeing every young person a job.

“Youth unemployment is at its highest for 23 years and a further 412,000 people under 34 have lost all hope of finding a job and aren’t even looking for work.

“Four in ten young people under 25 either don’t have work or don’t have enough work. These numbers also hide the fact that 88,000 under 25s left the workforce in the last month, making up 60% of the total labour force reduction.

“The industries where young people work have been smashed and will take some time to get back on their feet.

“Young people now face a jobs crisis as well as a climate crisis.

“It is time for a federal Jobs Guarantee, where every young person who wants a job can get one on projects like building 500,000 new public housing homes, shifting Australia to 100% renewables and restoring our damaged environment.”

As part of their ‘Invest to Recover’ plan, the Greens are calling for Jobs Guarantee for people under 30: