Amendments: Uni fee hikes and funding cuts


Senator FARUQI (New South Wales) (12:55): Mr President, I request that the amendments on sheets RV130 and RV133 be put separately.

The PRESIDENT: So you're voting separately on those amendments?

Senator FARUQI: Yes.

The PRESIDENT: Would you like amendments (1) to (4) on sheet RV133 put separately or do you want (1) and (4) put separately?

Senator FARUQI: We would like the amendments (1) to (3), (5) and (6) and request (4) on sheet RV130 to be put separately to the amendments on sheet RV133.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you. Let me just deal with a matter before that. Is it the wish of the chamber that the statement of reasons accompanying the circulated requests relating to this bill be incorporated in Hansard immediately after the requests to which it relates? There being no objection, it is so ordered.

The question is that amendments (1) to (3), (5) and (6) and request (4) on sheet RV130, circulated by the government, be agreed to.