Speech: Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018


I rise on behalf of the Greens to speak to the Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018. I would like to associate myself with the comments made by my colleagues Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator Nick McKim and Senator Rachel Siewert on this particular bill. We know that this bill will allow offshore processing—it is within the scope of this bill—and we know the horrendous outcomes of offshore processing on men, on women and on children. People are stuck there in those hellholes just because this government does not want people who look like them to come here to Australia, and this bill will allow that to continue.

I also want to raise some of the issues that the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights raised as concerns about this particular bill and which will expand the circumstances in which the statutory visa bar applies. This is really concerning. The committee queried— (Time expired)

The PRESIDENT: Senator Faruqi, you will be in continuation when debate resumes.