Speech: The Rocky Hill mine rejection is a huge community win


The New South Wales Land and Environment Court's landmark decision to reject the Rocky Hill coalmine is a huge win for the community and the environment. The fact that climate change was a key reason cited for this refusal gives me hope for the future.

The courage and grit of people like Julie Lyford, John Watts and all the grassroots community activists of Groundswell Gloucester inspire me and many others around the world and should remind everyone in this chamber of what real democracy looks like. They saved Gloucester from coal seam gas and have now stopped a huge open-cut coalmine from wrecking our environment and our climate. They are heroes!

The motion

That the Senate—

(a) notes the decision of the NSW Land and Environment Court to block the proposed Rocky Hill coal mine on the ground that it will contribute to climate change – Chief Judge Brian Preston, SC noted in his judgment that the proposed coal mine "will be a material source of greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate change";

(b) acknowledges the link between burning coal and climate change;

(c) recognises the power of grassroots community activism and the outstanding work by Groundswell Gloucester and the Environmental Defenders Office; and

(d) congratulates the community and Groundswell Gloucester on this landmark decision.