Statement on David Anderson & the ABC


Quotes attributable to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson for Communications, Greens Manager of Business in Senate:

"On behalf of the Australian Greens, I wish to recognise and thank David Anderson for his leadership and service as Managing Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"Mr. David Anderson has been Managing Director of the ABC for 6 years and has served the ABC faithfully for over 3 decades. During that time, Mr. Anderson has defended the independence and professionalism of the ABC at a time of digital disruption and social polarisation where trusted news, quality entertainment and shared experiences in our diverse community are more important than ever.

"The ABC is a public good. It is free and belongs to all of us: informing, educating and entertaining Australia. For this the ABC is frequently the victim of bad-faith besmirchment from vested corporate interests and partisan actors who view the ABC as either a market competitor or a political punching bag. 

"In the face of this, and throughout many lengthy Senate Estimates hearings, Mr. Anderson has served with patience, professionalism and a commitment to accountability than many in our corporate class and our Parliament would do well to replicate more frequently.

"I wish him all the best in his future endeavours."