Statement on Visit of Chinese Premier to Australia


The Australian Greens are urging the Prime Minister and Australian Government to raise human rights abuses with the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Li Qiang, during his four-day visit to Australia. 

Lines attributable to Senator Jordon Steele-John, Australian Greens spokesperson for Foreign Affairs. 

“Improved relations between the People’s Republic of China and Australia will benefit both countries. This visit is an opportunity to improve trade relationships, ensure peace within our region, and commit to taking urgent action on the climate crisis. 

“Australia can also play a key role in easing tensions between the United States and China, conflict or war between the United States and China would be disastrous for Australia and the world. We need the United States and China to work together on the world’s problems, especially the climate crisis.”

“But, it is essential that Australia has a consistent approach to the condemnation of human rights abuses internationally. 

“It is paramount that the Prime Minister raise concerns of human rights abuses including Muslim minorities during Premier Li’s visit. 

“Our community expects that our values will be represented by the Australian Government and that human rights abuses will be raised. 

“The Prime Minister raising human rights abuses will demonstrate to members of the Uyghur and Tibetan diaspora communities that Australia will not ignore these actions.” 

“Additionally, The Australian Government must take steps to end the importation of goods produced by forced labour, including goods from places like Xinjiang. With my Private Senator’s Bill before the parliament, the government could take immediate action to stop forced labour imports and no longer have Australia implicated in these horrific human rights abuses.”