
Dutton's escalation of Manus Island crisis

23 November, 2017 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has again escalated the Manus Island humanitarian emergency by ordering the use of force against innocent ...

Senator Rhiannon congratulates Streets workers and the AMWU

23 November, 2017 - MEDIA RELEASE - 23 November 2017 Senator Rhiannon congratulates Streets workers and the AMWU Greens NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon has given her d...

Coal unreliable and Alinta spending a billion on a ‘stranded asset’

23 November, 2017 - Coal unreliable and Alinta spending a billion on a ‘stranded asset’ Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said t...

All MPs must stare down Nationals call to import American gun culture

23 November, 2017 - All members of Parliament in this country must put community safety first and stare down the Nationals call for self-defence to be considere...

Senate must reject plan to plunge Murray-Darling into further crisis

23 November, 2017 - The Australian Greens have slammed the New South Wales and Federal Governments and the Murray Darling Basin Authority for turning a blind ey...

The Adani mine continues to be a Fake Jobs Con

22 November, 2017 - Greens Mining & Resources spokesperson Senator Andrew Bartlett visited Townsville today to discuss Chinese Government money financing the Ad...

Modelling confirms NEG sabotages renewables

22 November, 2017 - Modelling confirms NEG sabotages renewables Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the latest modelling...

Victorian Dying with Dignity success a win for Compassion

22 November, 2017 - Wednesday, 22 November 2017 WA Greens MLC Robin Chapple said today that the passing of Dying with Dignity legislation through Victoria’s par...

Modelling confirms NEG sabotages renewables

22 November, 2017 - Modelling confirms NEG sabotages renewables Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the latest modelling...

To stop Adani you need to vote Greens

22 November, 2017 - Amy MacMahon, lead spokesperson, and Greens candidate for South Brisbane said:  "Labor are knowingly lying to people and now we know you can...

Young struggling parents being pushed off supports is not a win: Greens

21 November, 2017 - The claim by Government of success in reducing the number of young parents relying on income support has been immediately questioned by the ...

Turnbull should fund Newstart increase, not his tax cut fantasy

21 November, 2017 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, says the Turnbull Government has no plan to address inequality but continues to fl...

Extreme weather report predicts massive damage, even without climate change

21 November, 2017 - Extreme weather report predicts massive damage, even without climate change Greens climate change spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today commented...